Continuum Scenarios

Continual learning (CL) aim is to learn without forgetting in the most “satisfying” way. To evaluate the capacity of different CL algorithms the community use different type of benchmarks scenarios.

In Continuum, we implemented the four main types of scenarios used in the community: Class Incremental, Instance Incremental, New Class and Instance Incremental, and, Transformed Incremental. Those scenarios are originally suited for classification but they might be adapted for unsupervised learning, self-supervised learning or reinforcement learning.

For each scenario, there is a finite set of tasks and the goal is to learn the tasks one by one and to be able to generalize at the end to a test set composed of data from all tasks.

For clear evaluation purpose, the data from each tasks can not be found in another tasks. The idea is to be able to assess precisely what the CL algorithms is able to remember or not. Those benchmarks purpose is not to mimic real-life scenarios but to evaluate properly algorithms capabilities.

Here is roughly how continual learning scenarios are created and used:

    from import DataLoader

# First we get a dataset that will be used to compose tasks and the continuum
continual_dataset = MyContinualDataset()

# Then the dataset is provided to a scenario class that will process it to create the sequence of tasks
# the continuum might get specific argument, such as number of tasks.
scenario = MyContinuumScenario(
    continual_dataset, SomeOtherArguments

# The continuum can then be enumerate tasks
for task_id, taskset in enumerate(scenario):
      # taskset can be used as a Pytorch Dataset to load the task data
      loader = DataLoader(taskset)

      for x, y, t in loader:
            # data, label, task index
            # train on the task here

A practical example with split MNIST:

from import DataLoader

from continuum import ClassIncremental
from continuum.datasets import MNIST
from continuum.tasks import split_train_val

dataset = MNIST(data_path="my/data/path", download=True, train=True)

# split MNIST with 2 classes per tasks -> 5 tasks
scenario = ClassIncremental(dataset, increment=2)

# The continuum can then be enumerate tasks
for task_id, taskset in enumerate(scenario):

    # We use here a cool function to split the dataset into train/val with 90% train
    train_taskset, val_taskset = split_train_val(taskset, val_split = 0.1)
    train_loader = DataLoader(train_taskset)

     # train dataset is a normal data loader like in pytorch that can be used to load the task data
    for x, y, t in train_loader:
        # data, label, task index
        # train on the task here

# For testing we need to create another loader (It is importan to keep test a train separate)
dataset_test = MNIST(data_path="my/data/path", download=True, train=False)

# You can also create a test scenario to frame test data as train data.
scenario_test = ClassIncremental(dataset_test, increment=2)

# then iterate through tasks
for task_id, test_taskset in enumerate(scenario_test):
    test_loader = DataLoader(test_taskset)
    for x, y, t in test_loader:
        # something

# you can also select specific task(s) in the continuum
# It's just python slicing!
# select task i
i = 2
test_taskset = continuum_test[i]

# select tasks i to i+2
test_taskset = continuum_test[i:i+2]

# select all seen tasks up to the i-th task
test_taskset = continuum_test[:i + 1]

# select all tasks
test_taskset = continuum_test[:]

Classes Incremental

In short: Each new task bring instances from new classes only.

Aim: Evaluate the capability of an algorithms to learn concept sequentially, i.e. create representaion able to distinguish concepts and find the right decision boundaries without access to all past data.

Some Details: The continuum of data is composed of several tasks. Each task contains class(es) that is/are specific to this task. One class can not be in several tasks.

One example, MNIST class incremental with five balanced tasks, MNIST has 10 classes then: - task 0 contains data points labelled as 0 and 1 - task 1 contains data points labelled as 2 and 3 … - task 4 contains data points labelled as 8 and 9

The Continual Loader ClassIncremental loads the data and batch it in several tasks, each with new classes. See there some example arguments:

from torchvision.transforms import transforms
from continuum.datasets import MNIST
from continuum import ClassIncremental

continual_dataset = MNIST(data_path="my/data/path", download=True, train=True)

# first use case
# first 2 classes per tasks
scenario = ClassIncremental(

# second use case
# first task with 2 classes then 4 classes per tasks until the end
scenario = ClassIncremental(

# third use case
# first task with 2, second task 3, third 1, ...
scenario = ClassIncremental(
    increment=[2, 3, 1, 4],

A very important setting of Class Incremental scenarios is the class ordering. learning ‘dog’, then ‘cat’ may results in vastly different results than learning ‘cat’ then ‘dog’. It’s very simple to change the class ordering:

from continuum import ClassIncremental

continual_dataset = MNIST(data_path="my/data/path", download=True, train=True)

# Default class ordering
scenario_1 = ClassIncremental(
    class_order=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# Another class ordering
scenario_2 = ClassIncremental(
    class_order=[1, 8, 3, 6, 5, 4, 10, 2, 9, 7]

Note that as for every scenario in continuum, you have to create one scenario for the training set, and one scenario for the testing set. Thus remember to use the same class ordering for both!

Instance Incremental

In short: Each new tasks bring new instances from known classes.

Aim: Evaluate the capability of an algorithms to improve its generalization capabilities through new data points, i.e. improve representation without access to all past data.

Some Details: Tasks are made of new instances. By default the samples images are randomly shuffled in different tasks, but some datasets provide, in addition of the data x and labels y, a task id t per sample. For example MultiNLI, a NLP dataset, has 5 classes but with 10 different domains. Each domain represents a new task.

from continuum import InstanceIncremental
from continuum.datasets import MultiNLI

dataset = MultiNLI("/my/path/where/to/download")
scenario = InstanceIncremental(dataset=dataset)

Likewise, CORe50 provides domain ids which are automatically picked up by the InstanceIncremental scenario:

from continuum import InstanceIncremental
from continuum.datasets import Core50v2_79, Core50v2_196, Core50v2_391

scenario_79 = InstanceIncremental(dataset=Core50v2_79("/my/path"))
scenario_196 = InstanceIncremental(dataset=Core50v2_196("/my/path"))
scenario_391 = InstanceIncremental(dataset=Core50v2_391("/my/path"))

The three available version of CORe50 have respectively 79, 196, and 391 tasks. Each task may bring new classes AND new instances of past classes, akin to the NIC scenario.

Another example could be using different dataset with their original classes as for MNISTFellowship:

from continuum import InstanceIncremental
from continuum.datasets import MNISTFellowship

# We create MNISTFellowship dataset and we keep original labels
dataset = MNISTFellowship("/my/path/where/to/download", update_labels=False)
scenario = InstanceIncremental(dataset=dataset, nb_tasks=3)

In this case, the three dataset MNIST, Fashion-MNIST and KMNIST will be learn with their original labels, e.g. classes 0 of all dataset stay 0. Or with some other dataset:

from continuum import InstanceIncremental
from continuum.datasets import CIFAR100

dataset = CIFAR100("/my/path/where/to/download")
scenario = InstanceIncremental(dataset=dataset, nb_tasks=42)

As you can see, for the last two examples, you need to provide the number of tasks. Because while MultiNLI and CORe50 provide the domain/task ids of each sample, we don’t have this information for other datasets such as MNISTFellowhsip or CIFAR100. In this latter case, you must specify a number of tasks, and then the dataset will be split randomly in this amount of tasks.

Instance incremental scenarios can also be create with transformation as described in next section.

Transformed Incremental

In short: Similar to instance incremental, each new tasks bring same instance with a different transformation (ex: images rotations, pixels permutations, …)

Aim: Evaluate the capability of an algorithms to improve its generalization capabilities through new data points, i.e. improve representation without access to all past data.

Some Details: The main difference with instance incremental, is that the scenarios builder has control of the different transformation spaces. It is then easier to evaluate in which transformation space the algorithm is still able to generalize or not.

NB: the transformation used are pytorch.transforms classes

from continuum import TransformationIncremental

list_of_transformation = [Trsf_0, Trsf_1, Trsf_2]

# three tasks continuum, tasks 0 with Trsf_0 transformation
scenario = TransformationIncremental(

You can use TransformationIncremental along with the BackgroundSwap transform to create a domain incremental setting with changing backgrounds This is inspired by the Mnist meta-sets from the following paper.

from continuum import TransformationIncremental
from continuum.datasets import CIFAR10, MNIST
from continuum.transforms.bg_swap import BackgroundSwap
import torchvision

cifar = CIFAR10(DATA_PATH, train=True)
mnist = MNIST(DATA_PATH, download=False, train=True)
nb_task = 3
list_trsf = []
for i in range(nb_task):
    list_trsf.append([torchvision.transforms.ToTensor(), BackgroundSwap(cifar, bg_label=i, input_dim=(28, 28)),
scenario = TransformationIncremental(mnist, base_transformations=[torchvision.transforms.ToTensor()],
for task_id, task_data in enumerate(scenario):
    # Do magic here
  • Permutations Incremental source

is a famous case of TransformationIncremental class, in this case the transformation is a fixed pixel permutation. Each task has a specific permutation. The scenarios is then to learn a same task in various permutation spaces.

from continuum import Permutations
from continuum.datasets import MNIST

dataset = MNIST(data_path="my/data/path", download=True, train=True)
nb_tasks = 5
seed = 0

# A sequence of permutations is initialized from seed `seed` each task is with different pixel permutation
# shared_label_space=True means that all classes use the same label space
# ex: an image of the zeros digit will be always be labelized as a 0 ( if shared_label_space=False, zeros digit image permutated will got another label than the original one)
scenario = Permutations(cl_dataset=dataset, nb_tasks=nb_tasks, seed=seed, shared_label_space=True)
  • Rotations Incremental source

is also a famous case of TransformationIncremental class, in this case the transformation is a rotation of image. Each task has a specific rotation or range of rotation. The scenarios is then to learn a same task in various rotations spaces.

from continuum import Rotations
from continuum.datasets import MNIST

nb_tasks = 3
# first example with 3 tasks with fixed rotations
list_degrees = [0, 45, 90]
# second example with 3 tasks with ranges of rotations
list_degrees = [0, (40,50), (85,95)]

dataset = MNIST(data_path="my/data/path", download=True, train=True)
scenario = Rotations(

Note that for all TransformationIncremental scenarios (included Rotations and Permutations) you can use advanced indexing (e.g. scenario[2:6], or scenario[:7]). In that case, when sampling multiple tasks together, the same original images will be seen multiple times, but each time with the transformation associated to the task.

New Class and Instance Incremental

In short: Each new task bring both instances from new classes and new instances from known classes.

Aim: Evaluate the capability of an algorithms to both create new representation and improve existing ones.

Some Details: NIC setting is a special case of NI setting. For now, only the CORe50 dataset supports this setting.

The New class and instance incremental setting can be created with the Instance incremental class. The t vector which define the task of each data point should be defined by the user or loaded from an existing scenario to create NIC scenario.

# given x data point, y class labels, t tasks labels
# t define the tasks label for each data point.
# Hence, the t vector define the number of tasks for the scenario and the order
# task will be ordered in the croissant order

from continuum import InstanceIncremental
from continuum.datasets import InMemoryDataset
NIC_Dataset = InMemoryDataset(x, y, t)
NIC_Scenario = InstanceIncremental(NIC_Dataset)

Hashed Scenarios

In short: Data ordering is determined by an hash function.

Aim: Evaluate the capability of an algorithms to learn new features independently from the labels.

Some Details: This kind of scenario is proposed here to create tasks with related features in classical dataset and evaluate algorithm capabilities in such context. This methodology force features to be different from one task to another making the feature extractor training potentially harder. The resulting scenario (depending on the dataset) is most probably a NIC scenario.

The New class and instance incremental setting can be created with the HashedScenario class. The t vector is generate by the scenario class. It can be saved and reloaded to avoid to compute the hash every time.

# given x data point, y class labels, t tasks labels
# t define the tasks label for each data point.
# Hence, the t vector define the number of tasks for the scenario and the order
# task will be ordered in the croissant order

from continuum import HashedScenario
from continuum.datasets import CIFAR10

dataset = CIFAR10(data_path="my/data/path", train=True)

Hashed_Scenario = HashedScenario(dataset,
                                 split_task = "balanced")

In this example we use “AverageHash” from imagehash library but many other image hash can be used such as: “AverageHash”, “Phash”, “PhashSimple”, “DhashH”, “DhashV”, “Whash”, “ColorHash” and “CropResistantHash”. More information about those hash function in imagehash documentation.

The split_task parameter can either be “balanced” or “auto”, if the amount of data is balanced among tasks or if it is set automatically to create more hash-coherent tasks.

If split_task=”auto” and nb_tasks=None the number of tasks will be automatically estimated with the MeanShift function from scikit-learn.

Incremental Semantic Segmentation

Brought by Michieli et al. ICCV-W 2017 and Cermelli et al. CVPR 2020, continual learning for segmentation is very different from previous scenarios.

Semantic segmentation aims at classifying all pixels in an image, therefore multiple classes can co-exist in the same image. This distinction leads to three kinds of scenarios:

  • Sequential: where for a given task T, with current classes C, the model sees all images that contain at least one pixel labeled as a current classes C. If the image contains future classes, yet unseen, then it is discarded. In the sequential setting, all pixels are labeled, either with a old or current class label, background label (0), or unknown label (255).

  • Disjoint: It’s the same scenario as Sequential, but on one point. An image’s pixel is only labeled for the current classes. Therefore, during training, if an old class is present in the image, its labels would be 0 (aka background). However, during the test phase, all labels (current + old) are present.

  • Overlap: It’s the same scenario as Disjoint except that the model can also see images containing a future class, as long as a current class is present.

Here is a quick example on how to do the challenging Overlap 15-1 scenario on Pascal-VOC2012:

from continuum.datasets import PascalVOC2012
from continuum.scenarios import SegmentationClassIncremental
from continuum.transforms.segmentation import ToTensor, Resize

dataset = PascalVOC2012(

scenario = SegmentationClassIncremental(
    initial_increment=15, increment=1,
    transformations=[Resize((512, 512)), ToTensor()]

NB: Following Cermelli et al., 15-1 means first a task of 15 classes, then followed by multiple tasks made of new 1 class each.

Note that to build the different tasks, SegmentationClassIncremental has to open every ground-truth segmentation maps which can take a few minutes. Therefore, you can provide to the scenario the option save_indexes=”/path/where/to/save/indexes” that will save the computed task indexes. Then, if re-run a second time, the scenario can quickly load the indexes.

Adding Your Own Scenarios with the ContinualScenario Class

Continuum is developed to be flexible and easily adapted to new settings. Then you can create a new scenario by providing simply a new dataset framed in an existing scenario such as Classes Incremental, Instance Incremental … You can also create a new class to create your own scenario with your own rules !

You can add it in the scenarios folder in the continuum project and make a pull request!

Scenarios can be seen as a list of tasks , the main thing to define is to define the content of each task to create a meaningful scenario.

You can also create personal scenarios simply by creating your own task label vector t with the ContinualScenario Class. This class is made to just convert a cl_dataset into a scenario without any other processing.

from continuum.datasets import InMemoryDataset
from continuum.scenarios import ContinualScenario

x, y, t = fancy_data_generation_process()

# t should contains the task label for each data point in x.
# t should respect : np.unique(t).sort() == np.arange(len(np.unique(t)))

cl_dataset = InMemoryDataset(x, y, t)
scenario = ContinualScenario(cl_dataset)